The SIFMA Foundation Capitol Hill Challenge (CHC) is a special edition of the Stock Market Game™(SMG) that partners up to 10 junior high or high school teams (3-5 students each) with your local Member of Congress (MOC). Students may only participate on ONE team. Your school must be located in the MOC’s district with matching zip code. There is no charge for the CHC teams. However, only two schools per MOC can participate (first-come, first-served basis.) Students taking part in a separate SMG game window can also take part in CHC. The top 10 teams with the nationally top-ranked portfolios (one winning team per school, one winning team per MOC) will win a trip to Washington, DC for an awards ceremony on Capitol Hill and to meet their Members of Congress. If you are interested, please complete ALL the information below and return via email or fax to Nancy Kahn at:
[email protected] OR Fax: 212-313-1324
To find or verify your school’s current Member of Congress, go to:
The SIFMA Foundation Capitol Hill Challenge (CHC) is a special edition of the Stock Market Game™(SMG) that partners up to 10 junior high or high school teams (3-5 students each) with your local Member of Congress (MOC). Students may only participate on ONE team. Your school must be located in the MOC’s district with matching zip code. There is no charge for the CHC teams. However, only two schools per MOC can participate (first-come, first-served basis.) Students taking part in a separate SMG game window can also take part in CHC. The top 10 teams with the nationally top-ranked portfolios (one winning team per school, one winning team per MOC) will win a trip to Washington, DC for an awards ceremony on Capitol Hill and to meet their Members of Congress. If you are interested, please complete ALL the information below and return via email or fax to Nancy Kahn at:
[email protected] OR Fax: 212-313-1324
To find or verify your school’s current Member of Congress, go to:
- Click on “Look up a Zip code” on the left side to find your school’s full zip code
- Enter your zip code in the upper left side to “Find Your Representative”
All fields are requested:
Member of Congress: ___________________________________ District#: _________ State: _________
Teacher First Name:____________________ Teacher Last Name:___________________________________
Email: ____________________________________ Alternate Email:_______________________________
School Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________
School Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________________________
School Type: Public □ Non-Public: □ Title 1: □Yes □No
Junior High: _______ High School______
Number of Teams Requested: _______ (maximum of 10 teams with 3-5 students each) -
District Media Contact (for press releases): ____________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________Telephone: __________________________
Note: The SIFMA Foundation will confirm participation and will register all teams directly for
the CHC competition. If you have any questions about the CHC program, please contact Nancy Kahn at 212-313-1307 or your local state coordinator.
Member of Congress: ___________________________________ District#: _________ State: _________
Teacher First Name:____________________ Teacher Last Name:___________________________________
Email: ____________________________________ Alternate Email:_______________________________
School Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________
School Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________________________
School Type: Public □ Non-Public: □ Title 1: □Yes □No
Junior High: _______ High School______
Number of Teams Requested: _______ (maximum of 10 teams with 3-5 students each) -
District Media Contact (for press releases): ____________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________Telephone: __________________________
Note: The SIFMA Foundation will confirm participation and will register all teams directly for
the CHC competition. If you have any questions about the CHC program, please contact Nancy Kahn at 212-313-1307 or your local state coordinator.