How the Challenge Works
It's quite simple, really! Go to Select Alabama. Click on Teacher Registration on left side of page. Submit registration.
Once you have registered as a teacher, you can begin to create student teams of four students per team. After creating your teams, you can download unique access codes for each student. Distribute these access codes to your students when they are ready to take the Challenge.
Once competition begins, students can enter the Finance Challenge ONLINE website and complete a 30-question, rapid-fire exam consisting of categories on Earning Income, Protecting and Insuring, Spending and Credit, Saving and Investing. Each student will be given 35 minutes but all team members must complete the exam within 3 hours.
Each student is to complete the challenge as an individual; students do not work as a group. Students may not utilize any outside materials or testing aids during their challenge session. The advisor is not to help the students by guiding them or re-phrasing a question.
Scoring: Online team score determined by an average of the top three scores of a four student team or all scores of a three student team.
Once you have registered as a teacher, you can begin to create student teams of four students per team. After creating your teams, you can download unique access codes for each student. Distribute these access codes to your students when they are ready to take the Challenge.
Once competition begins, students can enter the Finance Challenge ONLINE website and complete a 30-question, rapid-fire exam consisting of categories on Earning Income, Protecting and Insuring, Spending and Credit, Saving and Investing. Each student will be given 35 minutes but all team members must complete the exam within 3 hours.
Each student is to complete the challenge as an individual; students do not work as a group. Students may not utilize any outside materials or testing aids during their challenge session. The advisor is not to help the students by guiding them or re-phrasing a question.
Scoring: Online team score determined by an average of the top three scores of a four student team or all scores of a three student team.
- +10 points for each correct answer
- 0 for no response or incorrect answer
- Tie breaker: Average shortest time to complete the test. For a four student team, this is the average time of the top three student scores. ACEE notifies the winners within a week of the close of the Online Challenge window.