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SMG Portfolio Overview
Account Summary Analyzer provides you with a financial overview of the portfolio’s equity, current holdings, and rankings. It also provides you with a graphical representation of your portfolio, current market news, SMG system messages, and an interactive ticker lookup/ trading function.
Account Holdings provides a list of stocks currently held in the portfolio, including current price and unrealized gains and losses. Dollar amounts in red and in parentheses indicate a loss.
Top Holdings provides a list of the most traded securities in the current session of The Stock Market Game.
Transaction History shows all activity that has occurred in the team’s portfolio during the SMG session, including: trades, commissions, fees, interest (paid and received), dividends, stock splits, and other corporate actions. This is a good place for a team to look if they suspect there is something wrong with the reporting in their portfolio.
Realized Gains and Losses show all gains or losses on trades. Gains (or losses) only become realized when a position is closed (sold). Interest received or paid and dividends received are also considered
Enter a Trade is where a team enters buy, sell, short sell, and short cover transactions.
Pending Orders list of all the trades that have been entered but have not yet been executed. A trade will appear in Pending Orders after it has been entered and will remain there until it is processed and moved to Account Holdings the next business day.
Transaction Notes provides a snapshot of the trades you made. It will display error messages for trades that did not go through. Unlike Transaction History it will not include any interest, dividend payments, or corporate actions.
Rules of the Game includes the current interest charged on borrowing and earned on cash balances.
Outside Links provides links to third party sites not directly affiliated with either The Stock Market Game or SIFMA. These sites have been recommended by teachers as being good research sites to use with the SMG program.
Glossary of Financial Terms is provided by SIFMA. It includes definitions for popular financial jargon.
Rankings are listed as region and coordinator. Cash prizes are based on region rankings. Coordinator rankings combine all regions into one ranking list.
Account Summary Analyzer provides you with a financial overview of the portfolio’s equity, current holdings, and rankings. It also provides you with a graphical representation of your portfolio, current market news, SMG system messages, and an interactive ticker lookup/ trading function.
Account Holdings provides a list of stocks currently held in the portfolio, including current price and unrealized gains and losses. Dollar amounts in red and in parentheses indicate a loss.
Top Holdings provides a list of the most traded securities in the current session of The Stock Market Game.
Transaction History shows all activity that has occurred in the team’s portfolio during the SMG session, including: trades, commissions, fees, interest (paid and received), dividends, stock splits, and other corporate actions. This is a good place for a team to look if they suspect there is something wrong with the reporting in their portfolio.
Realized Gains and Losses show all gains or losses on trades. Gains (or losses) only become realized when a position is closed (sold). Interest received or paid and dividends received are also considered
Enter a Trade is where a team enters buy, sell, short sell, and short cover transactions.
Pending Orders list of all the trades that have been entered but have not yet been executed. A trade will appear in Pending Orders after it has been entered and will remain there until it is processed and moved to Account Holdings the next business day.
Transaction Notes provides a snapshot of the trades you made. It will display error messages for trades that did not go through. Unlike Transaction History it will not include any interest, dividend payments, or corporate actions.
Rules of the Game includes the current interest charged on borrowing and earned on cash balances.
Outside Links provides links to third party sites not directly affiliated with either The Stock Market Game or SIFMA. These sites have been recommended by teachers as being good research sites to use with the SMG program.
Glossary of Financial Terms is provided by SIFMA. It includes definitions for popular financial jargon.
Rankings are listed as region and coordinator. Cash prizes are based on region rankings. Coordinator rankings combine all regions into one ranking list.